Re: TIB: Link routines


Re: TIB: Link routines wrote:

> In a message dated 97-09-25 05:12:25 EDT, you write:
> << Does anyone have a good set of link routines to get a variable from
> one
>  calc, check the value, and pull a matrix from that calc? If I
> understand
>  the Input "CBLGET" command, it has a timeout on it, and causes me
>  problems. The receiving calc may have to wait a while for the initial
>  variable. Oh, this is for the 85.
>   >>
> what kind of program are you talking about?

   Well, if you must know, I'm working on a two player version of
Battleship (all my origonal code, not taken from first Battleship
prog.). The prob I'm ahving is that the recieving calc is timing out
(input "CBLGET") while waiting to receive the matrix from the other
calc. Any suggestions?
