Re: TIB: Vector Graphics


Re: TIB: Vector Graphics

I have already done a number of programs illustrating similar
concepts-Vector, List, Matrix, and String based images, as well as vector,
list, and string based matrixes, and string based lists and vectors.  I have
also recently finished a two-diminsional string array program and am
currently working on the one and three diminsional versions


Michael Van Der Kolk wrote:

>      I'm working on vector based images. Basically one draws what they
> want with lines, circles and text. The program keeps a list of strings
> that store what it is points, drawing mode, and the text, if needed. When
> the images is drawn the whole thing is plotted back. You will be able to
> compile it into a program of its own (Either lightening fast or slowed
> down so you can see it drawing (They are roughly the same size)) or use
> the vector engine. It is about 97% done and I need some suggestions on
> the capabalities you would want (and in the editor) and what use you put
> it to so I can make the best possible use of space and time. Thanks.
> Happy Holidays,
> Michael
