Re: TIB: Inntroducing 'TI-Net'
Re: TIB: Inntroducing 'TI-Net'
>Not at all! If you have been following previous threads on this subject
>you would know that they are designing a real network. It is basically
>just a central hub where multiple people can connect and play games across
>the network. The drivers he was referring to were packet protocol drivers
>so that data wouldn't get screwed up when sending it across to the other
>calcs. My question is: 5.7K/sec is too high a transfer rate for such a
>complicated protocol, so what will the rate drop to when 5 people are
>playing the same game? I'm assuming you are using only 2 calcs right now
>to get 5.7K/sec.
Transfer speed between the calc and the network is 5.7k. Transfer between
ring members is arround 500k.
>So, it really isn't the same thing as using the link cables. BTW, the only
>stupid question is the one that doesn't get asked (now where have I heard
>that one before?)
No. It is faster. Good for schools. Runs on RJ45 with no batteries needed.