Re: TIB: HAL-IC beta: there's still time!


Re: TIB: HAL-IC beta: there's still time!

On Fri, 5 Dec 1997, robert m. gardner wrote:

> If it is for the 83, I am interested.
> On Fri, 5 Dec 1997, TGaArdvark wrote:
> > Due to the demand, the beta list for HAL-IC has been
> > expanded. There are two slots left.
> > 
> |-----------------------------------------------------------|
> |Robert M. Gardner          | Turbo C++ Programmer          |
> |     | HTML Web page writer          |
> |Parkland Cross Country     | Knows Unix, Dos, and Windows  | 
> |-----------------------------------------------------------|

If it's for the TI-83, I'm interested too.

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