TIB: xyLine - fast, efficeint, few ppl know it


TIB: xyLine - fast, efficeint, few ppl know it

xyLine has got to be the most helpful funtion that I know of!  It allows you
to consolidate multiple "Line(x1,y1,x2,y2)" commands (up to 255 of them) into
one "xyLine listx,listy"!!  Unfortunately, it is a little known funciton, and
I have NEVER seen it in ANYone's programs except mine.  Let's change that.
Help me spread the word about this function!!

Instead of having a set of Line() functions, use the xyline {},{} function to
consolidate them all into one!

For example:

Can be made into:
xyLine {-10,10,10,-10,-10},{-10,-10,10,10,-10}

All this does is draws a box that outlines the screen (as long as xMin=-10,
yMin=-10, xMax=10, and yMax=10).

xyLine takes the first list (started by a { and ending with a } ) and sets
those as x coordinates.  Then it takes the second list, and plots those as y
coordinates, then it draws the lines in like connect-the-dots!  I uses less
code, and it is about 80% faster than using Line()'s!!

-Dave W.
<A HREF="mailto:BIOSERRORS@aol.com">BIOSERRORS@aol.com</A>

P.S. - Look for my games: Command & Conquer 85 (the ASM version will be ready
for release by the end of next week!), Archery, and ScRaMbLeR!  Also, look for
my graphical progs:  Macro (an EXCELLENT example of the xyLine function!!),
Invert Bounce (sux, cuz itz one of my first progs), and MountainScape Drawer!
In addition to my TI-BASIC programming, I have made the following ASM programs
as examples for beginners:  DrawSprite, pt_on test, and Name Bounce v2.

Current Projects:  Command & Conquer ASM, Ultima BomberMan85 BASIC, and Ultima
BomberMan86 ASM