LZ-Adv: .db's etc.


LZ-Adv: .db's etc.

THis might be a re-post I have been having mailing troubles.

On Sun, 20 Oct 1996 15:24:06 -0500 cjo@pobox.com (C.J. Oster) writes:
>>This method describes how to change a con-changing string.  Was the
>>original question asking that, or was it asking how to put a 
>>into a .db during execution of a program?
>>Jason "Thursday" Wenger
>>Illegitimi no carborundum
>.db's don't change, unless the program changes the memory that they 
>For instance Mel's game, collumns has a save game memory allocation, a
>list of db's.
>To save a game, the compiler loads the address of the first .db, and 
>the saved game there when the program exits.  What good would it do 
>you to
>change data like this _while_ the program is running?
>                                     -C.J.-

This is exactly what I need to know. I will be saving user-modified
graphics in my program string. How do you go about addressing each
individual .db to change. I know you do some sort of increase each time
for .db's in a row. I hate to say this, but an example would be worth a
thousand messages...

Still, if you have any info. for me-it would be greatly appreciated.
