LZ-Adv: .db's etc.
LZ-Adv: .db's etc.
Subject: LZ-Adv: .db's etc.
From: Mark D Lippmann <markzshell@juno.com>
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 1996 17:33:07 EDT
In-Reply-To: <>
THis might be a re-post I have been having mailing problems
On Sun, 20 Oct 1996 15:53:04 -0500 cjo@pobox.com (C.J. Oster) writes:
>> I have no interest in messing with other people's programs.
>>trying to learn how to use .db's in the program that I am already
>>making. I need to know how to create a self-modifying string, and I
>>to know how to store and access .db's for graphics. I hope my
>question is
>>now clearer.
><some code>
>ld hl, SaveMemory
>ld de, (PROGRAM_ADDR)
>add hl, de
><some more code>
> .db "This game is saved",0
>the first three lines of code cause hl to contain an address of the
>location the the SaveMem .db in memory. Then you can ld data into
>memory address, but keep in mind you are limited to the amout of
>taken up by this when the program was compiled.
> -C.J.-
Thank you.
This makes complete sense to me, but how do you work with something like
.db 56,36,35,36,87,23,87,34,8
How do I access each number to change when there isn't a lable in front
of each one?