i to the ith power
i to the ith power
Why when I take (a) sqroot(-1) ^sqroot(-1) or (b) i ^ sqroot(-1) or (c)
sqroot(-1)^i the ti-83 gives an undefined response (specifically an error
message) but when I try i^i it gives back .2078795764
How does the ti-83 handle an imaginary raised to an imaginary power?
Steve Kraisler
Internet:: stevek@forum.swarthmore.edu OR steveK@icdc.com
Mathematics Dept. George Washington High School
Philadelphia, PA 19116
Voice: (215) 961-2001
Fax: (215)-243-7434
WWW: http://forum.swarthmore.edu/~stevek
WWW http://gwhs.phila.k12.pa.us/vb99/index.html
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