Re: TI-89 problem
Re: TI-89 problem
This is a flaw in the TI-89 program that does symbolic integration.
"I(square root of(1-x^2-y^2),y,0,square root of(1-x^2) )" is not
done correctly for variable x.
I'm would not be surprised to find other programing errors as well.
Just about every math text book has some error or another. Programing
like writing is a human endeavor. Where humans tread a trail of errors
Good Luck
Gary Wardall
Robert Whitton wrote:
> Trying to find the volume of a sphere of radius 1
> using I to denote the integral sign
> I(I(square root of(1-x^2-y^2),y,0,square root of(1-x^2),x,0,1)
> it looked right after I entered it
> sin(infinity) times Pi divided by 6 was returned
> What am I missing here?
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