Re: For Sale: TI-85 Graphing Calculator ViewScreen Calculator &


Re: For Sale: TI-85 Graphing Calculator ViewScreen Calculator & Kit

I don't see what the Congressional Record has to do with anything...


----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Muthler" <smuthler@JSASD.K12.PA.US>
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2000 6:53 AM
Subject: Re: For Sale: TI-85 Graphing Calculator ViewScreen Calculator & Kit

> You think the American system is complicated, try watching C-Span when the
> British prime minister is debating the houses of Parliament....
> A bit of oversimplification has been strewn about this posting board.   The
> presidency of the USA has incredible subtle power and influence.   And
> Congress, if they could ever get their act together...    Are you aware that
> the publication, the Congessional Record, is really no record at all?
> Congressmen (and women) have I believe 48 hours to amend anything that is to
> appear in it (according to Reader's Digest).  In fact, whole speeches that
> were never made before Congress have appeared in it.
> Don't talk to me about who is responsible for anything.   It's all decided
> in corporate board rooms.
> Steve
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Ray Kremer <raykremer@HOTMAIL.COM>
> Sent: Friday, January 14, 2000 2:18 AM
> Subject: Re: For Sale: TI-85 Graphing Calculator ViewScreen Calculator & Kit
> > Hehe.  Wonderful point.  For all the hoopla surrounding the President, he
> > doesn't actually do all that much that affects the American people.
> Foreign
> > policy is the President's largest area of responsibility.  He's commander
> in
> > chief of the military, and he has veto power over congress.  That's about
> > it.  That's why the 1994 GOP Contract with America was so fun, it tried to
> > prove the point that congress is where the actual law making occurs.
> >
> > Too bad the American political situation is so insanely complicated or I'd
> > love to discuss it more here.  As it is, I think we've all proved our
> > points.
> >
> > >Who was president when the car was invented?  Wasn't that Woodrow Willson
> > or
> > >someone like that?  Gosh, some things are just luck :)
> >
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