Re: Calc Programs
Re: Calc Programs
At 12:40 PM 9/24/1999 , you wrote:
This ability is built into the TI-92+/TI-89. You don't need external
programs to do it.
>Hello to all!
>I have been a long time user to the HP-48GX. The HP has some great uses
>that I cant seem to locate in the TI-92+.
>One such option is the Equation Library. I have a program which can let
>you enter your own equations "User Equation Library." This program takes
>all the linear equations you enter and stores it in a file (you name) with
>the variables listed again separately.
>When you call the program it lists all the variables in which ever file
>you want to use. You specify the known variables and ask it to solve for
>the unknown variable. The program then "looks" for the relationships of
>the variables between all the equations you entered (solving all the
>variables it can). Then "poof" you have your answer.
>Sounds great huh?
>Well it is, and I'm asking you (the community) if there is a program like
>this for the TI-92+?
>Kenneth E. Dieppa
>Tampa, FL
> -Do not let what you can't do interfere with what you can do.-
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> -Ephesians 2:26 Never "let the sun go down with you still angry"-
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