More confusion with TI Graph Link
More confusion with TI Graph Link
I recently obtained the new Windows Only black TI Graph Link cable. My first
attempt to use it with a TI-82 was a failure. I switched back to the gray
Windows/Mac cable. All worked OK. Hmm I wondered.
Well, the short story is that there is a new suite of TI Graph Link software on
the TI web site. All of the Link packages are dated in April and May of 1999.
Apparently the new black cable will not work with the older versions of the
Link software. However the older gray cable will work with the newer
software. However, you must set the Cable Type correctly.
In the newer software, under the Link option, there is a Cable Type option
which must be set to the correct cable type.
Following is a list of the current TI Graph Link software:
TI-73 beta v0.10 30 April 1999
TI-82 v2.0 4 May 1999
TI-83 v2.0 4 May 1999
TI-83Plus beta v0.23 19 April 1999
TI-85 v2.0 4 May 1999
TI-86 v2.0 4 May 1999
TI-89 beta v0.10 April 30, 1999
TI-92 v2.0 May 4, 1999
TI-92Plus beta v0.10 April 30, 1999
All of these work with either cable if the cable type is correctly set.
Ben Sultenfuss
ICQ# 12937489
Lecturer, Stephen F. Austin State University
Instructor, The Ohio State University Technology College Short Course Program
Stephen F. Austin State University
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
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