This newsgroup
This newsgroup
I have great respect for both the Texas and HP calculators, having used them
for many years. I also read both this newsgroup and comp.sys.hp48, but the
level of debate is very different in the two groups.
For example the recent posts concerning factorizing on the TI-89, where a
user appears to have access to two of the most powerful machines in existence
(the TI-89 and the HP48), yet rushes in panic between them unable to
understand not only how to factorize a simple quadratic expression for
himself, but the difference between the answers given by the two machines,
who then screams to the newsgroup in capitals about the apparent failings of
the TI89.
As if that isn't bad enough there follow flurries of replies which either
don't help (i.e. mine does it OK but I don't know why yours doesn't) or are
simply wrong (i.e. use parentheses, or the TI89 always does this!), diverting
the original user away from the real solution, which is:
1 Learn a little more mathematics and don't rush to powerful machines
to try to do something you don't yet understand.
2 Read the instruction manuals that come with the calulator.
Actually, in the case of TI machines I have some sympathy with those
who find it difficult to find what they need as the TI manuals are really
not very good in this respect. The machines are great but the manuals
could and should be improved a lot. However, the basic difference
between EXACT and APPROX modes should have been clear enough in this case.
I've no wish to upset anybody on this newsgroup, but a shambolical 'debate'
like this would never happen on comp.sys.hp48, and I care sufficiently about
TI machines to wish that the level of debate here was more informed and
OK, flame away...
Dick Smith
Acorn Risc PC