Re: LaPlace: HP's Erable 3.2 beats by far the best TI method I
Re: LaPlace: HP's Erable 3.2 beats by far the best TI method I know
In article <781c1q$d1j$1@nets3.rz.RWTH-Aachen.DE>, wrote:
> Are you sure about the price?
Sure I am sure!
I paid:
230$ for my HP
+ 30$ for my cable
+ 50$ for my RAMCard
+ 0$ for Erable
= 310$ for what you need in HP.
I paid: 234$ for my TI (for I live in the end of the world and FedEx is like
a shark). + 0$ for my own LaPlace formula, which is the best :oD = 234$ for
what you need in TI.
You do NOT need any cable or RAMCard or Library to do LaPlace in TI.
And if you consider that TI89 is like 135$ in the states, then it is actually
less than the half of the price...
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