Re: Memory violation on a TI89! this is wierd!!!
Re: Memory violation on a TI89! this is wierd!!!
Mark Vulfson wrote in message <7akmds$j9q$>...
>Greetings everyone!
>Yesterday I witnessed something really strange, enigmatic, and annoying.
>I was sitting in my Calculus class and wanted to check weather I evaluated
>the integral correctly. I was up to my usual procedure integral(f(x), x, a,
>b)for the function I had some kind of a polynomial (I don't remember
>exactly, but it has no impact on the thing I saw - I
>checked!). So, for the lower limit I had 0(this, as I found out is
>important). I hit ENTER... and? I got a TISCII (Texas Instrument Standard
>Code for International Interchange :) ) specific answer, so there is no way
Have you tried the same sequence after resetting memory? I had system
errors when trying to change any table column headings while Doors was
loaded but after a total reset (and NOT reloading Doors) I can now do it
just fine.
Tom Lake
ICQ #25589135