Memory violation on a TI89! this is wierd!!!
Memory violation on a TI89! this is wierd!!!
Greetings everyone!
Yesterday I witnessed something really strange, enigmatic, and annoying.
I was sitting in my Calculus class and wanted to check weather I evaluated
the integral correctly. I was up to my usual procedure integral(f(x), x, a,
b)for the function I had some kind of a polynomial (I don't remember
exactly, but it has no impact on the thing I saw - I
checked!). So, for the lower limit I had 0(this, as I found out is
important). I hit ENTER... and? I got a TISCII (Texas Instrument Standard
Code for International Interchange :) ) specific answer, so there is no way
I can express it here, nevertheless I'll try:
[oh, yes by the way, it does not matter what the original looked like- the
result was always the same]
well this is not what I got, but I got some absolutely irrelevant stuff!!
it was always the same independently what the origin was.
Well, I spent the rest of the period and whole lunch investigating this
I tried to get just an Indefinite Integral. It worked, but I was getting a
warning, guess what it said? "Questionable accuracy". Well I don't know, but
I would not expect such a message on a symbolic calculation...
Then I tried another integrals (definite), I found out that only integrals
with upper or lower limit equaling to 0 had problems. I also tried 0.0 (the
approximate mode), nah did not work either!
Then I tried the derivative. This worked fine, except for the warnings,
again. And if I was to take a derivative longer than three terms I got
insufficient marry message!
Well I had a lot of assembly stuff in the calc but I had 150Kb+200Kb of
memory free! The first that came to my mind was to uninstall Doors (v1.0).
So I did that, but it did not do the expected job. Then I freed some memory,
then all of it, but nothing worked... I did not want to reset memory, to
answer questions if anyone will have some, but I had too - at some point my
TI eventually crashed...
Well, I guess thetas it.
I hope it was interesting at least to someone... And if anyone knows why
this things happen I really would be interested to know.