fterm on ti-89 and serial interfacing
fterm on ti-89 and serial interfacing
I have been trying to convert the fterm serial terminal program
(ti-92plus version that comes as part of fargo) to run on my ti-89.
I'm using plusshell and doorsos utilities and libraries to generate
an fterm.9xz for ti-89, but it crashes misearbly when I try to run it.
I figure the conversion fterm.9xz is no good...
Has anyone been able to run a serial terminal program on the ti-89!
I have the ti graph link, and their software does manage the
serial interfacing to PC ok... So there must be a way! I would love to
hear from those with pointers suggestions,
info on libraries and assembly development environments
for writting assembly, anything will help!
Thanks so much in advance,
Payam Saisan
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