Re: TI82 or 89 ? which is more user friendly ?


Re: TI82 or 89 ? which is more user friendly ?

For engineering, I doubt that the 82 will be enough, I used one in
grade 9 and 10 and just got an 86 for grade 11 this year, I easily see
myself buying an 89 in two more years. The 82-3 are meant for high
school use.

I'm sure that with a little bit of practice you can get used to using
th 89/92 just as fast as the 82/83/83+.

You should really be looking at wich functions you will need, not ease
of use, IMHO. To find detailed info about the TI graph calcs and wich
functions they have, go to , you can even download the
manuals in .pdf format. Make sure the calc you get has everything you

Philipp Keller

hoonsk <> wrote in message">
>  I'm trying to see whether I should buy a TI82 or TI89. I gather
>TI89 is for intensive math calculation. I need one for my engineering
>study. However, I think TI82 seems to be easier to use consider those
>buttons I saw on the picture resemble closely to the scientific cal.
>e.g. function such as log, sqrt,x-1,x2 ... This would save me time
>wondering what button to use during Exams (compare to TI89) !
>  I wonder TI89 and 82 user care to comment ?
