Re: Mohr Circle


Re: Mohr Circle

At 12:38 AM 4/23/1999 +0000, you wrote:

As I told the guy who sent me a message about this, it was a setting in my
program that inadvertantly was set to send as HTML.  I didn't do that
Hopefully I fixed this when I set it to send as plain text only.  Yes, I made a
but one that wasn't deliberate.  The response I saw had a HUGE red font that
made quite the impression on the retinas when viewed.  I guess two wrongs
make a right...

Anyway, getting back to the TI-89,  I'd be interested in a program for the
Mohr Circle for the TI-89...  can anyone point me in the right direction?

>I remember him.  He's the guy who called you an idiot for fighting
>spam by reposting spam.  Thanks for the reminder.  Now I remember you
>as well.  Boy you sure hold a grudge for a long time.  Have you been
>giving him free rent in your head all this time, while he went off on
>his merry way?
>BTW, I was only commenting that only a fool posts to usenet in pure
>HTML.  It is practically unreadable by most newsreaders, a waste of
>bandwidth, and entirely unnecessary.
>On Thu, 22 Apr 1999 16:34:49 -0500, ToddEStan
><> wrote:
>>A really big loser.  He didn't post much to this group - rather he sent
>>inflamitory emails to people.  Usually with the same amount of
>>intellegence and thought as your reply to Silent.  He pretty much didn't
>>have many nice things to say.  Look in dejanews for a thread that I
>>think was called Re: ti89 died.  That was about the only time he ever
>>posted to the list itself, except for a long (2+ years) ago under
>>another email address.
>>PS.  I doubt he is still here - otherwise he would of emailed me by
>>now.  He does nothing but sits at his computer.
>>Pucuf wrote:
>>> On 22 Apr 1999 03:20:44 GMT, (STL137) wrote:
>>> >I know about Tom.
>>> Well, don't you think you know about everything?
>>> I'd love to hear about the famous Tom.  Who is he?
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