Re: Mohr Circle


Re: Mohr Circle

A really big loser.  He didn't post much to this group - rather he sent
inflamitory emails to people.  Usually with the same amount of
intellegence and thought as your reply to Silent.  He pretty much didn't
have many nice things to say.  Look in dejanews for a thread that I
think was called Re: ti89 died.  That was about the only time he ever
posted to the list itself, except for a long (2+ years) ago under
another email address.


PS.  I doubt he is still here - otherwise he would of emailed me by
now.  He does nothing but sits at his computer.

Pucuf wrote:
> On 22 Apr 1999 03:20:44 GMT, (STL137) wrote:
> >I know about Tom.
> Well, don't you think you know about everything?
> I'd love to hear about the famous Tom.  Who is he?
> -----------------------------
> Remove trousers to reply.
> -----------------------------


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