Re: Mohr Circle
Re: Mohr Circle
On 23 Apr 1999 03:33:16 GMT, (Jemfinch02) wrote:
>And besides that minor innacuracy, you have to keep in mind that the intrinsic
>derive in the 89 and 92 was created for commercial purposes. The people who
>created it did it for money and money alone. They aren't going to come out
>with new stuff and release it for free. On the other hand, Erable and Alg48
>were created by individuals who do it out of the good of their heart, and
>continuously update the software, come out with new, better software, and
>support their software better than I think TI ever could.
>My point, however,
>which it appears you missed, is the quality of the user base. I was using
>Erable and Alg48 as examples of people who use the HP48 showing the initiative
>to put in many hundreds of man-hours supporting the HP48 for no purpose other
>than it's own. OI don't believe you will find that committment in the user
>base of the TI calculators
Because it is not necessary. TI calculators do out of the box what
HP's take extra software to do. Maybe if I rephrase it will help.
TI users use their calculator to solve problems. HP users need to
form groups to write, distribute, and discuss software to get their
calculators to do what they want. You say the freeware authors
support the software better. Do they have entire departments devoted
to supporting their software? TI does. I agree HP's users spend more
time in bigger groups of users helping each other to use their
calculators. With TI's, this is simply not necessary. We can just
use our calcs.
All my colleagues and I are more productive, get more work done, in
less time with our TI's. We all put our HP's in the drawer, once we
saw the light. If this was not the case, obviously the converse would
be true. I have, right now, within my reach, a TI92+, TI89, HP48SX,
HP48GX, PII400, Celeron 450A, and one orange cat. Obviously, I can
pick whatever tool I want to solve a problem. That tool is NEVER
manufactured by HP. Why? Because I like to finish my work, not
configure the tool, discuss the problem with others, write or load a
program, read a manual, discuss some more, ad nauseum.
If you want to program you calculator to do a job, please be my guest.
I want to USE my calculator to DO a job. I use my calculator to do
real work, and with my TI, I can do it faster, more efficiently, and
with less aggravation, and don't have to mess with it to get it to do
what I want.
My last question to you is "Since you love your HP so much, why are
you even in a TI group?"
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