Re: TI-83+
Re: TI-83+
On 23 Apr 1999 03:26:21 GMT, (Jemfinch02) wrote:
>>ACT = banned the 89. This is over its builtin features. I don't think
>>the people that run the ACT take into account programs that could run on
>>a calculator.
>I agree. The people at the ACT should keep up with the march of technology
>design their test around those capabilities.
>Also, why would they ban the TI89 and not the HP48? It seems crazy to me,
>although I don't complain. I use an HP48 :-)
Uh fellah, he said it. It is because of the built in features.
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- Re: TI-83+
- From: ToddEStan <toddestn@NOSPAM.VISI.COM>
- Re: TI-83+
- From: Jemfinch02 <jemfinch02@AOL.COM>