Re: Mohr Circle
Re: Mohr Circle
>>Sega is better than Nintendo...especially because of Sonic the Hedgehog.
>>Therefore, that was a bad example.
>>As for calculator programs: the HP calcs have a wee bit of a head start
>>years) on the TI calcs, esp. the 89. Perhaps if they had come out at the
>>same time, they would be comparable.
>How about this for an example: Wintel boxes are better than macs,
>because of M$ Office.
>Lets us remember that Mohrs Circle is available for TI's (I know
>because I have it) and HP's (I've heard)
Sure. Or how about the iMac is better than the Mac G3 because of that cute
little mouse. (I'm being sarcastic now. That mouse is ugly.) Even if a
Mohrs Circle didn't already exist for the TI-89, this guy could just sit
down and make one. Since you can easily program stuff like this on either
platform, it just doesn't count as a "feature" of the calculator and cannot
be used for TI vs. HP comparisons.
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