Re: TI89 very slow !!!


Re: TI89 very slow !!!

Laurent Deniau <> wrote in article
> Christian Meland wrote:
> << 1 10000 FOR i NEXT >>
> 28 sec for a 4 bits 6 MHz processor

4 bits _4 MHz_ (actually it's 3.9-3.94 MHz)

> I bought a TI89, but I though it was well programmed. Today, I don't know
if it
> was the right choice...

-Ugh. I just ordered one ........

> --
> [ Deniau Laurent -- Numerical Analysis and Signal Processing ]
> [    CERN -- The European Laboratory for Particle Physics    ]
> [ --  ]
> [      -- One becomes old when dreams become regrets --      ]

Christian Meland
Research Scientist, PFI
N-7034 Trondheim, Norway
Phone +4773550976, at home +47 73922526

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