Re: TI89 very slow !!!


Re: TI89 very slow !!!

Kasper Vibe Grevsen <"remove"> wrote in article
> ...
> >fct1(10000) takes 85 sec to display 10001
> ...
> TI-86 rom 1.2 on the main screen:
> For(x,1,10000:End:x took 45 secs. - try and let's compare
> >
> >fct2(10000) takes 140 sec to display 10000.
> For(x,1,10000:x->t:End:t took 195 secs.
>  Even
> >the HP48 with its 4 bits saturn processor goes faster !
> >
> Examples, please!

I don't know how to read ti-programs, but executing a loop with a counter
10000 times takes less than 28 seconds on my hp 48 gx

( << 1 10000 FOR i NEXT >>)

> >And about memory:
> >seq(t,t,1,1000) takes 8 sec to display the list of {1 2 ... 1000}
> 20s

HP 48: << 1 1000 FOR i i NEXT 1000 ->LIST >> take 3,9 sec.


Christian Meland
Research Scientist, PFI
N-7034 Trondheim, Norway
Phone +4773550976, at home +47 73922526

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