Ad: Profitable, legal and amazing!


Ad: Profitable, legal and amazing!

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commercial email.



Please review this UPDATED letter and READ TWICE.


Hopefully my name is still on the list below. I am a retired attorney, and
about two years ago a man came to me with a letter. The letter he brought me
is similar to the letter in front of you now. He asked me to verify the
fact that this letter was legal. I told him that I would review it
and get back to him. When I first read the letter I thought it was some
off-the-wall idea to make money. A week later I met again with my client to
discuss the issue. I told him that the letter originally brought to me was
not 100% legal. [We all know that "pyramid schemes" are not legal, but
network marketing is--things like Nikken, Mary Kay, etc.] My client asked me
to alter the letter to make it 100% legal. I advised him to make a small
change in the letter and it will be alright.

I was curious about the letter, so he told me how it works. I thought it was
a long shot, so I decided against participating. Before my client left, I
asked him to keep me updated as to his results. About two months
later he called to tell me that he had received over $800,000 in cash!! *

I didn't believe him so he asked me to try the plan and see for
myself. I thought about it for a few days and decided that there was not
much to lose. I followed the instructions exactly and mailed out 200
letters. Sure enough the money started coming in!! It came slowly at
first, but after three weeks I was getting more than I could open in a day.
After about three months the money stopped coming. I kept a precise record
of my earnings and at the end they totaled $868,439!! *

I was earning a good living as a lawyer, but as anyone in the legal
profession will tell you, there is a lot of stress that comes with the job.
I told myself if things worked out I would retire from practice and play
golf. I decided to try the letter again, but this time I sent out 500
letters. Well, three months after that I had totaled $2,344,178!! *

I just couldn't believe it. I met my old client for lunch to find out
how this exactly works. He told me that there were a few similar letters
going around. What made this one different is the fact that there are seven
names on the letter, not five like most others. That fact alone resulted in
more returns. The other factor was the advice I gave him in making sure
the whole thing was perfectly legal, since no one wants to risk doing anything

[I'm going to print the relevant laws at the end of this letter, but here let
me summarize: If people pay someone money, they must get a product or service
in return for it AND such a marketing network must involve REAL customers
buying a REAL product and the customers can't be US who are sending out these
letters. They have to be outside of the marketing network. But that's okay,
read on! **

Consider this very easy approach. To participate, sell the article below for
$3 each to seven OTHER people who want to buy the article for its own merit.
You cannot put your own dollars in. You must sell copies of the article to
someone else who is not involved in sending out these promotional letters in
this marketing network. That way, every dollar generated comes from a person
outside of this marketing network, i.e., a real customer. That's what makes
this legal and it makes it identical in nature to an Amway or Mary Kay
structure. Ask your family members, your roommate, your teacher to buy the

Now before you get all depressed at the thought that you actually have to work
even a little bit to make some money, let's consider for a moment just how
profitable this could be! Below is a simple mathematical consideration.]
Assume, for example, a person were to get a 7.5% return rate. My first
attempt was about 9.5% and my second time was over 11%. Imagine this

1) If a person mails out 200 letters, 15 people could reply with $2.00
2) Those 15 people mail out 200 letters and 225 people could reply with $2.00
3) Those 225 mail out 200 letters and 3,375 people could reply with $2.00
4) Those 3,375 people mail 200 letters and 50,625 people could reply with a
5) Those 50,625 people mail out 200 letters and 759,375 people ...and so

(* Remember, there are NO promises of any kind being made here, said the man
with the "attorney mind". At the opening of this article the possible
personal financial track record was shown just as a company like Nikken has
done in their legal network marketing brochures for years.)

Now follow the simple instructions below exactly, and in the weeks ahead you
could be amazed at the results!

Instructions (follow EXACTLY):

A) Sell a copy of the article below for $3 each to 7 people you know (or
don't know!). Keep $1 per article as your sales profit and then send the
other $2 per article, per name, to the distribution network that provided you
with this article (the 7 names are listed below). This helps cover their
expenses in sending you the article in the first place.

Here are the actual steps...

B) Using the $1 bills generated from your sales, mail two $1 bills (wrapped
in a piece of paper) to each of the seven names below (your distribution
network). Include a note (typed or handwritten) that states:
"I sold the article to [CUSTOMER'S NAME] for $3. Here is your $2 commission
for distributing the article to me."

...then also include your own name, mailing address and/or e-mail address.
PROOF READ THE ENVELOPES YOU'VE ADDRESSED! Sign the notes attesting that the
money came from customers outside this marketing network and mail them.

Now, the fun part!

1. N.KNIGHT 660 CLIPPER ST #213 SAN FRANSISCO, CA 94114-3550
2. D.T.A. RT 2 BOX 150 MEEKER, OK 74855
( <>)

C) Remove the name next to #1 at the top of the list and move the rest of
the names up one position by renumbering them, 1-6. Then place your name in
the #7 spot.

(You also ought to include your email address and phone # just to show who is
initiating this current letter. Only the name on line 7 needs this).

If possible, PLEASE don't re-type people's addresses, just edit around them.
This avoids COSTLY mistakes!

D) Now reap the benefits from people selling the article in your own
"downline"! The network marketing approach can generate a huge downline that
can send profits back to you! When you have completed the above instructions
you have the options of mailing your new sales letter through either the US
Postal Service or Email.

To mail this ad out over the internet, you can use a Bulk E-Mail Service to
mail out in large volumes for you. We highly recommend this approach.

There are many bulk e-mail companies available. Although I am NOT affiliated
with the following company in any way, the one that I used is posted here just
in case you don't know how to search for one on the Web. I believe this
company can bulk email your ads for about $10 a thousand! Consider THOSE
possibilities! You can reach them at this phone number: (888) 595-5759. The
main thing is, find one you like.

If you want to send out letters via snail mail, use a word processor to
reprint this whole letter. If you use both larger and smaller fonts, you can
get this whole letter to three pages, double-sided.

Okay, you followed the above instructions're on your way...

Now for the Article!
(All I ask is that you not take credit for it... because I wrote it! --W.A.)

Article on Project and Business Management / Cost: $3.

Twelve Key Principles that can be adapted to many applications including
running a business, engineering a project, and/or organizing one's life.
These principles are listed in operational order.

Introduction: I spent almost 20 years, while working in two highly successful
firms, pondering what makes people, projects and businesses work. I also
observed why failure happens, even among very successful people. Below are 12
principles that summarize my ponderings. It is a summary of a larger work
that I submitted to a dozen top executives in one particular international
company. I now provide this summary for your edification. Some readers will
immediately see how these principles apply to them. Others will need to
analyze them further to see how they apply. But the principles have proven to
be of great value in the most diverse and challenging environments! And
what's amazing is: I've seen so many TOP powerful executives be totally
ignorant of many of these principles!!!

1. Dreams.

> Dreams are things we want to experience or achieve in our lives or as
workers in a company or as people doing projects;
> It's with Dreams that fresh ideas are born, vision is enlarged, and
creativity has no limits.

No idea is stupid. We must absolutely cultivate in our thinking or in our
company the freedom to think creatively. So many companies nowadays do not
want new ideas from their workers because, as it’s often said, “we’ve always
done things this [old] way.”
One way to stir up creativity in our coworkers is to have regular
"brainstorming" sessions that focus on problems or important topics. The
session can involve any number of people but the best size is 5-10. If it's
too large, people get intimidated. These sessions must be free of
"liabilities", which is to say, there should be no threats to people with
progressive ideas and no idea should be considered dumb.
The process of brainstorming can go as fast you wish. Even as fast as a "game
of charades". (You know how fast that game goes--90 miles per hour!) That's
the kind of brainstorming session I'm used to in my business. We call it the
"expand and contract" process. It thunders along something like this:
(a) You and your group shoot out every possible concept you can related to a
specific topic. The leader writes down the KEY WORDS of those ideas on a large
board: crazy-sounding stuff, impossible stuff, push the limits stuff, but also
thought-provoking stuff (not intentionally silly.) Build an idea tree
something like a genealogy, one idea branching off into another. Key words.
After the "expanding" of ideas is done (you'll know when things are slowing when a microwave popcorn bag that has been popping like crazy
slows to about one pop every four seconds and you know it's about to suddenly
burn so you yank it out? Same thing.) you go to the next step...
(b) You then review your organic mass of ideas on that board. Start
eliminating ideas that don't seem as great as others. Circle or leave posted
the ideas that everyone feels are the best. This process of elimination is the
"contracting" process. But then...
(c) You start expanding all over again building on the BEST ideas of the last
(d) Afterwards, Contract again.
(e) Then Expand again (keep it up and you'll give birth to the best of the
best of the best!).

Continue this cycle until either: you're exhausted, the pizza arrives, or you
know it's a great place to put a comma for starting again tomorrow. Many folks
have no idea how valuable this expand & contract process is! I have based an
entire career on this. It's been a "secret weapon".

2. Analysis.
Analysis causes us to study three things:
(a) the target audience or chief recipients of our work,
(b) the company's methodology of how to reach that market or those clients in
an ever-changing society and business environment, and most importantly,
(c) how to develop Dreams into concrete Goals, whether personal or coporate.

With Analysis, we must ask ourselves tough questions in consideration of our
Dreams, questions such as:
> What successful things are other businesses (or people) doing that we
should emulate?
> What are some of the "Ways we've always done things" that exist for their
own sake, or for the sake of nepotism, or for the sake of the CEO's wife, or
for the sake of fear...all of which we ought to challenge (with respect) or
> Where is our culture going to be six months after our project hits the
public (or six weeks)? Will they have moved away from where they are now?
> What are our strengths and weaknesses?
> What are the strengths and weaknesses of our competition?
> How could our strengths become our weaknesses through unexpected events?
> How can we turn our present weaknesses into strengths?

As we Analyze our Dreams, we gain insight to: reality checks, the world we're
functioning in, prevailing circumstances, needs, wants, laws, etc., and we
begin to form new...

3. Goals.
Now, conclusions are formed from our Analysis so that Dreams are sifted-
through, judged, refined, and brought into renewed focus. These conclusions
prompt us to establish specific Goals (which are selected Dreams that have
become validated through consensus or study).
In a business, Goals ought to be projected over varying durations of time,
likely from six months to ten years, the majority of which would be at least
one year away. With a project, you back up from the final deadline to
determine all of the intermediate deadlines along the way and when they must
happen. In a personal life, this can apply to anything: when a term paper is
due, when you're planning to have kids, when to buy a house, etc.

The reason for planning way ahead is:
(1) Extra lead time allows for recovery from surprises and the unexpected
(which you can always expect!)
(2) It gives workers more time to come up with new ideas in achieving Goals
more successfully.
(3) It can save oodles of money, sometimes even a million oodles.

So with Goals established, we then review our...

4. Resources.
We put our Goals to a calculator and a calendar. Details are worked out
concerning exactly HOW the Goals will be achieved. Tasks, Time, Money,
Technology and/or People will be considered regarding our strategy for
accomplishing Goals.
Any enterprise can do almost “anything” if they have unlimited Time, People,
and Money. But nobody does. With Goals now specified, answers are needed for
the question, "HOW can we achieve the new Goals?" So, we need to take...

5. Inventory.
The question must quickly be asked, "Based on our calculations and
estimations, what specific Resources do we lack in being able to reach our new
Goals?" We need to ask:
> How must we change what we've been doing and alter our methodology in
order to be more efficient in reaching our Goals?
> If we don't have enough to reach the Goal, something has to change.

This is the process of looking into our storehouse of Resource and seeing
what is available, adaptable, tradable, affordable, bendable. It's a give-
and-take process. It's a negotiating process. Sometimes, it's an agonizing
sacrificial process.
Once we use our erasers, scalpels or chain saws to trim and alter our Goals
to fit our Resources, we will then have a clear path to achieving our Goals
according to a budget and a schedule. Naturally, Goals will need to be built
into a literal Budget and Schedule on PAPER! We can't "dream" any longer,
it's time to "get real" so our Dreams will become real! We can't be vague;
it's time to be detailed and scientific.
After we put Goals into a Schedule and Budget, we need to define all of the
tiny steps building toward that Goal. We need to plan individual
TASKS--smaller jobs or steps required to fulfill the bigger overall Goal(s).
Without Tasks, Goals won't happen. Without a Budget and Schedule, Goals
aren't real. If Goals haven't been assessed according to Resources, they
aren't viable. If Goals haven't been conceived through the romance of
DREAMING...they are dead, status quo, no longer cutting edge, short of the
competition, unexciting, pointless.
But now that we have a great detailed plan, we need to make...

6. Adjustment(s).
Now that we're dealing with Tasks and who is doing what and when in
connection with everyone and everything else, conflicts arise, complications
happen and we need to get out the tiny screwdriver for tweaks. The plan needs
to be fully operational on paper before our feet hit the pavement or the
wheels turn on the road. Goals and Resources need to be revised so they are
both in harmony with each other, so there are no conflicts. This is a give-
and-take process. Goals and the means to fulfill them are brought into
peaceful coexistence. A concrete plan, fueled by Dreams, are now ready to hit
the highway and fly!

7. Interfacing.
With the project in motion, we all have to work together somehow. There will
always be a client, a teacher, a sponsor, a board of directors, a CEO, a boss,
a mother-in-law or someone to whom we are accountable for the project or
business or plan. If we fail to relate to them properly this could become a
potential sand trap that will certainly turn to fatal quicksand (especially
with the mothers-in-law). In other words, we ALL HAVE TO DEAL WITH PEOPLE,
like it or not!! So, among a million other points we don't have space to list
here, in dealing with people we basically should use the Golden Rule: "Do unto
others as you'd have them do unto you."'ve heard that phrase, "What goes around, comes around"? So
true! I've had situations where, luckily, I dealt very graciously with a few
people that acted like idiots. Know what? Years later, those very people
were folks I had to rely on at a very strategic time!! If I had "burned a
bridge" a few years prior, I would have paid for it. (Oh such wisdom! And if
you haven't lived it out, it can sound like just so much empty virtue

8. Publish.
As the powers-that-be bless our endeavor through proper interfacing, we've
got a real project or business on our hands moving at high speed. But,
everyone's got to be traveling at the same speed. We all have to be "on the
same page". All relevant Staff Members of the work force should receive a
current, updated version of the plan of action in one form or another.
Publishing can eliminate “departmentalism” or isolationism which hinders
communication, vision, team spirit...(all those good things that make a
company succeed). People can't be puttering alone in their cubicles, just
coming to work to do their job. They have to be hyped-up as team of Olympic
runners racing on the same course in the same direction!

9. Implement.
A "mechanism" that will physically govern the project or business is put into
action. This mechanism can be anything from index cards on a push-pin board,
a computer program, or a sales force unleashed upon the world. The simplicity
or complexity of this "mechanism" is tailor-made to fit the specific
enterprise. We saw a great system at George Lucas' Industrial Light and
Magic, where the making of complicated special effects were kept track of
through simple colored tags on a wall board. It was perfect for quick-glance
tracking of hundreds of scenes each with a unique complexity of processes and
people. Each little tag had shape, color, key words and a route on the board.
Once we have a mode of Implementation, we need to...

10. Coordinate.
Real people need to be able to use the Implement machinery so the Project or
Business runs smoothly. And real people need freedom to do their jobs. A
common mistake: people are given plenty of responsibility, but not enough
authority to carry out their work! People must always be given enough
authority to carry out their responsibilities! Otherwise: they won’t be
coordinated, they’ll be “lop-sided!” The greatest plan can fail here.

11. Review.
Along the course of any business, project, or personal life, we always have
to ask the question: “How are we doing?” Strengths and weaknesses need to be
continually assessed and then we adjust (back to Step # 6) for improvement
until the Goal is reached.

12. Communicate.
This step is listed last but it’s imperative and operative throughout all the
other steps. Without this one, all the others will fail. Although volumes
can be written on this subject (as well as all on the other key points above)
nevertheless, space limits this to a very brief lesson in organizing your
written communications.
Almost everything we do comes down to Communication. And much of that
involves written communication. If our written Communication is unclear, our
Tasks and Goals can be hindered and people can get frustrated. Let's shoot
for excellent Communication...
In scanning the written text of any report, letter or script, reduce the main
ideas, chapters or paragraphs into KEY WORDS. A single word will now
represent the main thought of a large block of text. Now, list the key words
in the order they appear in the current draft of your work.
As you ponder the ORDER of your Key Words, then, and only then, can you
easily and quickly: a) discover redundancies (the same things being said in
different ways in different places in the text), or, and more often...b)
discover an illogical thought progression.
Many people, intelligent ones at that, don't organize their thought
progression. Hear me: many times the mere jumble of words makes the thoughts
SOUND like they are progressing clearly, but not until you strip the written
document down to the bare bones does the need for correction become visible.
Once you have your key words posted (and keep track of what key words are
attached to which paragraphs or chapters) then rearrange the key words so the
thought progression is more clear, stronger and easier to follow. THEN
reconfigure all the wording of your text to the order of your key words.
Wallah! It will take some rewriting of transitions, but your work will likely
be much more powerful and persuasive!
All of this said, hoping that all of your good Dreams will ultimately be


End of Article. Now...go sell it!

[Okay, my "attorney mind" is speaking sure to put aside at least
30% for taxes! And if you were to make a million or more, you would need to
be putting aside about 50% for taxes. But I'm not a tax attorney. Consult
your tax person. But whatever you do, don't fail to report your income!

** Here are the laws we are complying with: (1) "A product or service must
be exchanged for money received." People can't just collect money for
nothing. So we're all going to sell the article , one that has proven to be
of great value in almost every business situation. Selling an article to
other people complies with the U.S. Postal and Lottery Laws, Title 18,
Sections 1302 and 1341 or Title 18, Section 3005 in the U.S. Code, also Code
of Federal Regs. vol. 16, Sections 255 and 436.

(2) The FTC states that a legal marketing program provides that "the program
promoter demonstrates that it has instituted and enforced rules that have the
actual effect of insuring that a participant derives income primarily from the
sale of goods or services to persons who do not recruit participants into the
program." In other words, we can't "sell" the article to ourselves, but to
REAL customers who must buy a REAL product and the customers can't be US who
are sending out these letters, they have to be outside the marketing network!
That's why you're signing the note attached to the dollar're
simply insuring that this is true.

So remember what we're doing here: The article is what you're selling. It's
intellectual property which I wrote and which people are receiving for their
$3 investment. In terms of network marketing, we have a product which is
being sold to NON-participants and profits from sales are being shared
"upstream" much in the same way as Amway, Nikken, Mary Kay, and other such
legal organizations do. The original letter was sent to me by an

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