Re: Ti-89 Died
Re: Ti-89 Died
>Shouldn't a high powered magnet be able to remove all viri from ROM?
I think someone else already mentioned it, but maybe not clearly enough.
Floppydiscs and harddisks use magnetic storage techniques that why computers
are afraid of magnets (the screen is screaming too):-)
EPROMs are not magnetic storage. They are rewritten using electrical
Anyway if you just deleted the EPROM contens you were still at the same
point - the calculator needs some information to turn on.
>Shouldn't the button on the back do that automatically
I don't own a ti-89 and I yet haven't found a reliable source of technical
ti-89 material so I realy don't know.
Maybe you should hold down the reset button, while turning the calculator
on. The AAA batteries need to be in place while you do it because EPROM
writing needs some power.
To find out about this you should upgrade your flash ROM (if a newer version
exist), check the ROM version number, then hold down the reset button while
pressing on. Check the ROM version number once again. If they are different
then the reset button resets the flash ROM too (meaning there is no such
thing as unrepairable damage) --- I strongly doubt it, but I'm interested
in whatever result you might get.
PS: If Tanks, a basic game, caused your problems, then one might think the
basic interpreter is buggy.