Re: Ti-89 Died
Re: Ti-89 Died
On Sun, 01 Nov 1998 10:20:47 -0600, ToddEStan
<> wrote:
>It's still very fixable, Tom. You just need another computer, with the
>same motherboard, to fix the eeprom. It has been successfully done
>when the good board is booted, then the eeprom chip is removed
>carefully, and replaced with the bad chip. Then the bios is flashed.
>Then the "bad" chip can be put onto the original board, and the computer
>works fine.
>I would define hardware damage as something that is totalled. It is
>history, and can never be used again. Such as frying the Mobo.
OK, perhaps I wasn't clear enough. Most people do not have access to
another identical motherboard to perform what you describe, making
what you describe impratical. True it can be done, usually at a much
higher cost than a new eeprom.
But in case you hadn't noticed, and I understand why, considering how
you and our resident rocket scientist both like to ignore quoting, and
what others say, is that I was saying it is very possible to write to
an eeprom, unlike what stl137 claimed.