Re: hp 48gx
Re: hp 48gx
This list is for TI graphing calcs, not HP. I'm not exactly sure is /anyone/
here has an HP.
At 02:07 PM 5/9/98 -0500, Diana wrote:
>I am user of HP 48, I am Civil Engineer and in my job we are doing a
>program about structures. My input data are as the follow:
>1 2 FOR I
>{{"LONGITUD" "[m]"}
> {"BASE" "[m]}}
>{2} {} {NOVAL NOVAL}
>'L' STO 'B' STO
>My question is: how do I do to put in the space where is NOVAL, the new
>value of L, I want that in the following cycle the space isn't empty, I
>need this space with the last value that the user in.
>I'll really appreciate your help!
What is there to say about silence?
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