Re: can you send me a proggie
Re: can you send me a proggie
Thomas J. Hruska wrote:
> First off, you don't own the list and can't tell people to get off.
> Second, you yourself complained about the 560K file. Oh, I'm sorry.
> "Allah" has an ISDN modem and can download anything at lightning speed.
> Well, I personally have a 33.6 connection and it may not go as fast as I
> like, but MIME attachments like that REALLY do tick me off just like
> everybody else. I just blew up at the guy first and got the first of about
> 100 flames in. So, "Allah" don't go shoving your little 5K business up in
> my face.
> Signed by a still QUITE ticked off, but much happier now that he has found
> the AOL.COM feedback page and is now sending a removal request of
> BLIZZAR964's account,
> Thomas J. Hruska
I never said I owned the list and I didn't tell you to get off, I said that was
an option. Yeah, I did complain a little about the file, I just said "Is this
really necessary?"...but I didn't send a 3k email flamming the guy. There is
no need for flamming. Couldn't you have done something a little more
peaceful? Maybe if you spent as much time working on SQRXZ 82 as you did email
it would be done by now. =) Just a thought...
Bryan Rabeler <>
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