Re: can you send me a proggie
Re: can you send me a proggie
At 08:25 PM 1/7/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Your two flames are worth about 5k of disk space. Multiply that by 431
>subscribers to CALC-TI and you get 2.155MB of wasted bandwidth. This is a
>public list and he can post whatever he wants. If you feel that the
content of
>this list is not to your liking, then unsubscribe.
>Bryan Rabeler <>
> File Archives
> the project -
First off, you don't own the list and can't tell people to get off.
Second, you yourself complained about the 560K file. Oh, I'm sorry.
"Allah" has an ISDN modem and can download anything at lightning speed.
Well, I personally have a 33.6 connection and it may not go as fast as I
like, but MIME attachments like that REALLY do tick me off just like
everybody else. I just blew up at the guy first and got the first of about
100 flames in. So, "Allah" don't go shoving your little 5K business up in
my face.
Signed by a still QUITE ticked off, but much happier now that he has found
the AOL.COM feedback page and is now sending a removal request of
BLIZZAR964's account,
Thomas J. Hruska