Re: TI-85


Re: TI-85

thomas f obrien wrote:

>     I have a Mac and i know people that have an PC.  Want to now the
> real reson why they have a PC.  IT COSTS LESS !!!!!! and most people
> play games, not important stuff like Matmatica or C++.  PC is much
> better for games i'll say but the Mac is by far easier to use.  When
> ever i get a program it works.  For the PC it works sometimes, dosen't
> sometimes.  Macs do crash more, but very minimal.  For me it crashes
> when I overload it in Matmatica or another huge program but that is
> the
> reason i bought a Mac.  You would not have windows if it weren't for
> the
> mac OS(still an easier OS).  But hey, Macs can get program to run PC
> stuff and PC can get a program to run Mac.  Don't ever let some one
> tell
> you that PC is better because it has more software.  There is so much
> garbage and just buy a Mac magizine, it has plenty of software, not as
> much(of the same stuff) but plenty for what it needs.
> I saw the instalation of Warcraft 2 on a PC.  There was about 10
> things
> to do, just try installing it from the cd if you don't belive me, if
> the
> was a mistake, they could never fix it, haven't fixeed any so far.  On
> a
> Mac , click and drag to where you want it.  Is that hard as hell?

I believe that whatever works for you is the best.  A friend of mine has
a Mac and I've been showing him some of the nicer features of
Win95--he's pretty impressed, especially with the right mouse button.
He is a dedicated Mac user and will not likely switch permanently to a
PC.  One of my teachers used to be all Mac, but I recommended that he
get a PC as his next computer.  He recently did and is enjoying it very
much.  DOS-based PC programs will always work (unless something serious
is wrong) since they are not dependent on a particular OS.  Win95
programs almost always work, and still are not fully-dependent on the
OS.  Most programs will provide their own installation routine, or make
use of Windows' built-in installer, the Install Shield.  On a further
note, PCs seem to be able to multitask a lot more programs than a Mac,
and generally require less memory and processor power than a Mac.  Mac's
do have certain advantages, but so do PCs.

BTW:  There is a program called Derive for the PC that is a fantastic
algebraic manipulation/graphics/math etc. program.  I have a palmtop
computer that has about a meg's worth of games, two language
dictionaries (just for the hell of it), and a variety of other programs,
including an early version of Derive, which I use when my TI-86 can't
solve something, or if I need something simplified or solved in the form
I would write it in (4pi/3 vs. 4.1887).  Despite the fact that most
people's computers have more space taken up by games than anything else
(except for WordPerfect or Netscape), some of us do use our computers
for other things.

If you want more information about the differences between Macs and PCs,
check ZDNet (  They will tell you the
differences, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of both.


PS:  What's with the subject?
