I have a Mac and i know people that have an PC. Want to now the
real reson why they have a PC. IT COSTS LESS !!!!!! and most people
play games, not important stuff like Matmatica or C++. PC is much
better for games i'll say but the Mac is by far easier to use. When
ever i get a program it works. For the PC it works sometimes, dosen't
sometimes. Macs do crash more, but very minimal. For me it crashes
when I overload it in Matmatica or another huge program but that is the
reason i bought a Mac. You would not have windows if it weren't for the
mac OS(still an easier OS). But hey, Macs can get program to run PC
stuff and PC can get a program to run Mac. Don't ever let some one tell
you that PC is better because it has more software. There is so much
garbage and just buy a Mac magizine, it has plenty of software, not as
much(of the same stuff) but plenty for what it needs.
I saw the instalation of Warcraft 2 on a PC. There was about 10 things
to do, just try installing it from the cd if you don't belive me, if the
was a mistake, they could never fix it, haven't fixeed any so far. On a
Mac , click and drag to where you want it. Is that hard as hell?