Re: The Gospel
Re: The Gospel
Why did you send that message to a TI-Calculator group?
At 12:12 AM 2/8/98 +0000, David Parker wrote:
>Fact of sin
>Rom 3:23
>For all have sined and come short from the glory of God.
>Fact of Judgement
>2Thes 1:8
>In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and obay not
>the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ
>The fact of provision
>John 3:16
>For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotton son, that
>whosoever belives in him should not perish but have everlasting life
>The Three above facts are true, and Gods word says
>If we belive in the Lord Jesus that he died for our sins, and ask him
>into our lives that he will forgive our sins he will be just to forgive
>them and give us the gift of Eternal life, and the Holy Spirit will come
>and live in our bodies.
>The final verse is the fact of assurance
>Rom 8:1
>There is therefore now no condemnation to to them who walk not after the
>flesh but after the spirit.
>If you ask the Lord Jesus into your hart you will recieve the Holy
>"If you ask him You will know you have recieved his gift.. "
>Anyway Romans 8 verse 1 says there is no condemnation to to them who
>walk not after the flesh but after the spirit.
>Belive it Gods word says it....
>no condemnation
>David Parker
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