Re: List of clockcycles needed for some/all instruction of the Z80


Re: List of clockcycles needed for some/all instruction of the Z80

The Zilog Z80 Databook, (if you can get it) has this. It has a very
detailed list of all the instructions, the number of cycles, what flags
they set, and more. The web form does not work, but I was able to get the
books by sending an order via fax. The number that I used is (408)
370-8056. It's the fax number listed on the Order Literature form.

Jeff Tyrrill

-----Original Message-----
Sent:   Thursday, February 05, 1998 4:26 PM
Subject:        List of clockcycles needed for some/all instruction of the Z80

Hell  Ohh!!!
I want to make my asm-progis faster - but for this  I need to know
how many clockcycles the instructions need..... If anyone has a list
or knows where to get one: please send me an E-Mail, because I've not
planed checking the mailinglist...
 (I have allready registered for Zilogs' literature - but there is no
chance of answer, as you know)

Thanks to all who read it.......
