Re: ROM dump legal?
Re: ROM dump legal?
Thomas J. Hruska wrote:
> I have a question about the legality of ROM dumps. I am planning on making
> a compiler for DOS which has a Borland-like interface and will compile for
> all calculators platforms at lightning speed. I will even have library
> support (for those of you who want to make libraries and share with others
> but keep the source to yourself). Also, I want to have emulation of a
> program for any calculator platform. What I understand I will need is a
> ROM dump from each calculator I wish to emulate. I know it is illegal to
> have a raw output ROM dump and give it to people, but what if I encode each
> ROM dump and then decode each byte as it is needed in memory (and re-encode
> it once I'm done with that byte or instruction)? Is it illegal once I have
> it in that format and delete the original raw output ROM dumps? I don't
> think I am because my decoding/encoding algorithms will be kept secret and
> all the emulator will be used for is to test games and allow programmers to
> work on a variety of platforms. Now will TI lose money because of this?
> NO is the answer because if I just wanted to use a calculator on my
> computer, I would enter Windows and go into accessories and use the
> calculator Micro$oft supplies. If I just wanted to play TI-Basic games I
> would port them to my 82 or play REAL games for the PC. If I want to play
> Assembler games that aren't on my calculator, I just get the source and
> port it or ask someone else to do it. So, the real reason for an emulator
> is to avoid crashing the calculator when running volatile ASM code and also
> for allowing programmers to reach a wider audience making them better known
> in the calculator community. Sure there might be those who would attempt
> to hack into my code to get the ROM, but I have methods on my side to make
> sure they don't ever figure the encoding scheme out. So, is it legal or not?
> Thomas J. Hruska --
> Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
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It is illegal to distribute TI ROM images/dumps. No exceptions. I don't think
it can get any simpler than that.
Bryan Rabeler <>
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