Re: ROM dump legal?
Re: ROM dump legal?
At 07:25 PM 2/5/98 -0500, Thomas J. Hruska wrote:
>Sure there might be those who would attempt
>to hack into my code to get the ROM, but I have methods on my side to make
>sure they don't ever figure the encoding scheme out. So, is it legal or not?
> Thomas J. Hruska --
>Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
Not legal at all. The deal isn't whether or not people will see the rom,
its whether or not the rom dumps are being distributed. Encoded or not,
they are. When a person buys the caculator, they aren't just buying the
electronics, the rom is the main thing they are buying. By giving out the
rom with the program, its like they have this platform to use - you say to
test out games, but that doesnt mean thats all they are limited to. The
fact is, distrobution of roms is illegal, including them with your programs
is also illegal. If you want to be able to distribute something like
that... good luck on working backwards to contruct a rom yourself, because
the way you propose isn't legal.
| Joseph M. Gaffney |
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