Re: damn graphlink
Re: damn graphlink
I had the same problem, you just have to really push the connetor into
the calc.
jhanson wrote:
> I don't understand what's going on with this link. I have two serial
> ports in back. I have the graphlink cable connected to the number 1
> serial port. My modem is running on com 4. Everytime I open up the
> software it says that it can't open the connection. The only port the
> damn thing recognizes is the modems com port. Even when I switch the
> port I want the modem to run from, the graphlink software only
> recognizes that particular port.
> How do you get past this?
> I saw a message from some guy saying you had to uncheck the
> box in the
> port's advance settings... so I did, and it still doesn't work. I
> really need help here.
> --
> Don't forget to visit
Chris Healey, CNA, MCP
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