[off-topic] Re: HP's and TI's calculator output rate
[off-topic] Re: HP's and TI's calculator output rate
It's easy to record a macro (at least in MS Word). Just double-click on the
REC at the bottom.
Daniel Moraseski
in Orlando, FL
originally from Manalapan, NJ (near US 9 and NJ 33)
"We are Shuster of Borg. Numbering rules are irrelevant."
Larry Elmore wrote in message <6r478i$sj5$1@news.campus.mci.net>...
>>Oh? Then what are them darn MACROs in Windows and Excel for?
>Don't know -- never took the time to learn them. They're strange and goofy
>and different and all that other yucky stuff... ;-)