Re: HP's and TI's calculator output rate
Re: HP's and TI's calculator output rate
On Fri, 14 Aug 1998 10:20:53 -0500, Richard Goedeken <>
><enter> had a darn slow response time (at least on my 48gx).. Probably
>.2 to .5 seconds..
Hint: you don't have to wait for the LCD to update! I always type
ahead on my 'SX - it removes your "waiting" time.
>> Of course, I like UNIX and CLI's, not Windows and GUI's.
>I used to be die-hard CLI fan, and now I still prefer a CLI, but realize
>GUIs are useful for some things as well.. I don't like MS, but Windows
I'd much rather use Emacs than MS-word for instance: I can extend whatever
functions, keystrokes, etc, I want to and change the interface. This is
not possible with MS-Word for example. If you want to do something they
didn't anticipate, you are SOL.
>Maybe you know my officemate (BS/MS ECE, German, something else) - his
>name is Brian Vanderpool.. Ever heard of him?
<jaw drops>. Yes, we worked in the same "lab" for the last, umm, 4 years?
His 3rd major is CS, I believe.
# Zak Smith (pgp)
# Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison MSEE Student. Geek. "UNIX - it sucks less."