Re: A TI-83 ? re MATRIX output (examples included)
Re: A TI-83 ? re MATRIX output (examples included)
here's what I did on 92:
[ 1 -1 1 4 ]
[ 5 2 -3 2 ]
[ 4 3 -4 -2 ] -->m
then I hit my fancy rref(m) and multiplied by (-)seven 'cause I don't
like fractions :-)
[-7 0 1 -10 ]
[0 -7 8 18 ] ingnore last row, make it parametric,
let z = t
now: t = 7x - 10
t = (7y + 18) / 8 {too hard
to type it out all steps, hope I did it right}
now you can graph, or at least I can on my 92 ;-)
you can also say:
7x-10 = (7y + 18) / 8 and solve
for y to put in "y=mx+b" form
************aka "eliminate the paramater"*********
note, when you have two or more parameters, or 3+ variables, it doesn't
make much sense to elimate parameter, but that's a whole 'nother can o'
worms beyond me.
maybe post your problem to ti-graph? lots of phd's over there, very
BTW, usualy the "|" symbol means to take the determinant of matrix.
what class is this for?
hope that helps some,
you need to change the "c" to an "s" in my return address to foil spam
Curious Angel wrote:
> Hi:
> The problem I'm having is knowing how to read a matrix when the
> variables
> have not been isolated because the output is "Dependent" or "No
> Solution".
> I can quickly ascertain from the calculator if each variable has only
> one
> value that makes all linear equations true for that problem -- what if
> that's
> NOT the case, and you can't tell from the output what's what? Here's
> an
> example of what I mean:
> Take these 3 linear equations:
> x - y + z = 4
> 5x + 2y - 3z = 2
> 4x + 3y - 4z = -2
> The matrix is a 3 X 4 matrix, set up as follows:
> | 1 -1 1 4 |
> | 5 2 -3 2 |
> | 4 3 -4 -2 |
> it then produces:
> | 1 0 -1/7 10/7 |
> | 0 1 -8/7 -18/7 |
> | 0 0 0 0 |
> The answer to this particular set of equations is that they are
> "Dependent"
> (there is an infinite number of solutions for the x, y and z
> variables). But
> you can't instantly tell from the output that it IS Dependent, because
> along
> comes something like this, which has . . . "No Solution":
> x + z = 0
> x + y + 2z = 3
> y + z = 2
> We're missing a y and an x. Substituting zeroes for their
> placeholders, the
> matrix is again a 3 X 4 matrix, set up as follows:
> | 1 0 1 0 |
> | 1 1 2 3 |
> | 0 1 1 2 |
> and produces:
> | 1 0 1 0 |
> | 0 1 1 0 |
> | 0 0 0 1 |
> Thinking I've mastered how the TI-83 puts out, I write "Dependent" as
> my
> answer to this problem and promptly get it WRONG.
> Does the TI-83 require me to manually substitute in to solve? You
> must be
> kidding! How can I tell what I've got?
think this is special case, often if you have a square matrix you can do
augment and do gauss to find inverse, or use other techniques (many++),
I think once you have parameters you need to do it "manually". ??
> Help please?
> curious angel