Re: TI 86/92 programs compatible?
Re: TI 86/92 programs compatible?
On Sun, 7 Sep 1997 06:35:03 UT, Jeff Tyrrill
<Jeff_Tyrrill@CLASSIC.MSN.COM> wrote:
>[The TI86] is allowed on more tests than the TI-92
Actually, the 92 is not allowed on *ANY* tests. They are palmtops,
both in design and in how test agencies treat them. Though, it says
calculator on the box. The 92 is an invaluable tool for
long-battery-life mathematics on the go. ie: not for schools, but for
engineers and the like. And, of course, for those of us who get kicks
out of making those cute little things run games that get people just
plain addicted :-P.