Re: TI 86/92 programs compatible?


Re: TI 86/92 programs compatible?

The TI-86 is significantly better than the TI-83. Yesterday, I posted a list
of ways that the TI-85 was better than the TI-83, and vice versa. The TI-86
has everything the TI-85 has, plus over 3 times as much RAM, the extra last
entries like the TI-83, the "nice" list and matrix editors like the TI-83, a
table like the TI-83, text on the graph screen like the TI-83, and multiple
graph styles like the TI-83. If you have a computer-to-calc cable, you can
send ASM programs to your calc that do the finance and advanced statistics
functions. The ONLY things the 83's got that the 86 doesn't, is split screen,
and sequence graphs. (And finance and statistics if you don't have a
Graph-Link). Hands down, the 86 is better than the 83.

Jeff Tyrrill

-----Original Message-----
From:   Open discussion of TI Graphing Calculators  On Behalf Of Jesse Samuels
Sent:   Saturday, September 06, 1997 6:41 PM
Subject:        Re: TI 86/92 programs compatible?

I have a 92 that I owned from calc II,III, elementary diff e q and and
linear algebra.  I also have an 83 on loan.  only thing I really see for the
$100 or so is the algebra power of the 92, it's real nice that it uses
symbols.  also that qwerty keyboard makes programming _so_ easy.  all the
commands are real simple and make sense.

I'm pretty impressed with the 83, it does graphs, lists, matrices, really
can't imagine how an 86 is better, but if you know speak.

On Sat, 6 Sep 1997, T Owad wrote:

> Are programs for the TI-86 and TI-92 compatible (or easily modifiable to
> work)?  Also, I'm still debating as to which one to get.  Does the TI-86
> have any advantages over the TI-92?  Price not withstanding. :-)
> Thanks,
> Tom