Re: TI-86 Graph Link problems


Re: TI-86 Graph Link problems

Well, after reading some books on COM ports and surfing the Net for answers,
I called my computer guru.  He told me has to change the modem to COM3,
TI-86 will use COM2, and he has to reconfigure the sound card.
o(  Anyways, I guess I'll have everything ready by Monday afternoon.  Thanks
for your answers everyone!

-------------------==== Eddie  Maldonado ====-----------------------
Modem Boy wrote in message <>...
>My friend let me borrow his actual TI Graph link cable, I had the
>software, and yet it didn't work... I've tried NUMEROUS things...
>changing jumpers on my I/O card, going to DEBUG and checking out my com
>settings, msd, etc etc... I've given up on the "serial port" cable. I'm
>currently building another parallel port cable for my friend... The
>parallel cable has way less problems, and there is software out there,
>two currently i know of, wtran8xx, and CAL. check out,
>click LINKING, for more information.
>-(: Modem Boy:)-

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