Re: TI-86 Graph Link problems
Re: TI-86 Graph Link problems
Eddie Maldonado wrote:
> I just spent 35 dollars on this simplistic little cable for my TI-86.
> I was hoping I would have been playing ZTetris or Lunar Lander by now
> but that isn't the case. For some crazy reason the program, TI-Graph
> Link for 86, says it cannot open my communication port. I have
> already checked that the cable is plugged in firmly on both sides,
> I'm not that dumb. I have created COM ports 3 & 4 to hook up, I only
> have port 3 but I tried everything. I really want to use this program
> really soon, so can someone lend some advice to me? Thanks in
> advance!
> -------------------==== Eddie Maldonado ====-----------------------
My friend let me borrow his actual TI Graph link cable, I had the
software, and yet it didn't work... I've tried NUMEROUS things...
changing jumpers on my I/O card, going to DEBUG and checking out my com
settings, msd, etc etc... I've given up on the "serial port" cable. I'm
currently building another parallel port cable for my friend... The
parallel cable has way less problems, and there is software out there,
two currently i know of, wtran8xx, and CAL. check out,
click LINKING, for more information.
-(: Modem Boy:)-