Re: TI-86 Graph Link problems
Re: TI-86 Graph Link problems
At 09:35 PM 10/24/97 -0400, Eddie Maldonado wrote:
>I just spent 35 dollars on this simplistic little cable for my TI-86. I
was >hoping I would have been playing ZTetris or Lunar Lander by now but
that isn't >the case. For some crazy reason the program, TI-Graph Link for
86, says it >cannot open my communication port. I have already checked
that the cable is >plugged in firmly on both sides, I'm not that dumb. I
have created COM ports 3 >& 4 to hook up, I only have port 3 but I tried
everything. I really want to use >this program really soon, so can someone
lend some advice to me?
Com 3 could be open by another program, check that to be sure. Make sure
your modem, mouse, etc, run on diff ports, then check and see if the
settings for com 3 are correct (address, etc)
| Joseph M. Gaffney - |
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