Re: 82 ASM stuff
Re: 82 ASM stuff
E S B wrote:
> OK, I'm sorry. I'm the guy who just wrote asking if anyone had any idea
> about getting ASM programs onto the 82. I should have checked my mail
> first, because I saw that someone is already writing a shell for this
> purpose.
> I probably should know this, but could someone please humor me and tell
> me where can I get all the docs and programs when they're released?
> Thanks again!
> Erik
> P.S. I still need help on replacing that C6 cap! My 82 is taken apart
> and sitting on my desk waiting for a retrofit.
I'm sure the creators will post Ash on this least once it's released.
Also, I'll definitely put it on my page as soon as I can:
Doug Torrance
(: Have a happy day! :)