Re: symbolic math
Re: symbolic math
On 14 Jun 1997 23:45:44 GMT, "Eli Allen" <>
>Is there any z-shell program that can do symbolic math for the 85 or
>planed for the 86 like the built in features of the 92. I realize that the
>92 has a faster processor but it would seem like some of it's features
>could be done in assembly for the 85 or 86.
>Since there is a symbolic ASM program for the HP 48 series (called Alg48)
>and the 85 and 86 are about the same in power to the HP's it would seem
>like it would be possible. Also Alg48 runs on the 48g which has the same
>amount of memory as the 85 and the 86 has alot more so memory size should
>not be a problem.
>Eli Allen
There are no zshell (or basic for that matter) programs for the ti 8x
that can do symbolic math. Alg 48 is 48k and thus only fits in a gx
or g with more memory soldered to the board, thus it isn't really
feasable to do anything similar on any of the TIs with 32k.
David Teitlebaum