Re: Help on building TI85 to PC linking cable
Re: Help on building TI85 to PC linking cable
On Fri, 30 May 1997, Scott K wrote:
> hello all... I was wondering if anyone here on this list patched up and
> created their own $5 or $10 calculator to pc cable, for the TI85. I need to
> get that PC link, and if i can create one for myself for just $5, then i
> would be more than happy, but I looked at that page with the schematics for
> building that $5 link, and I was totally baffled. I couldn't understand what
> he was trying to explain. He had some pictures drawn on the page, and that
> part was logical, but as for the rest, he didn't supply enough detailed
> information.
> So, that's why i'm asking for someone's help in this.
> 1st) How do you attach the different parts of the 2.5mm plug to the printer
> port or printer cable?
The picture says it all... On the parallel connector there should be
number for each pin (inside the connector)
> 2nd) He had some pictures of a anode/cathode tube, and my question is, how
> are you supposed to use that?
It was diode, not tube! I used 1N4148 diodes. (costed me about $0.20 in
> 3rd) I'm pretty sure he meant that you had to disect a 25pin serial printer
> cable in order for you to attach the linker; so how much did that put into
> the cost of building the cable?
> 4th) How long and how hard was it to build the linker?
Not very hard, but you should solder it - have you ever soldered anything!
I don't think that anyone on this list will believe me, but, as I burned my
solderer and wanted to solder it as soon as possible I HEATED SCREWDRIVER
ON A GAS-COOKER - so it it not hard as it looks.
> Well, any help here would be greatly appreciated... again...
> I don't really want to dump $50 bucks down the drain and buy the official
> link, and I'll try to build my own for as little as possible first, but.. oh
> well...
> thanks anyhow... : )
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