Help on building TI85 to PC linking cable


Help on building TI85 to PC linking cable

hello all...  I was wondering if anyone here on this list patched up and
created their own $5 or $10 calculator to pc cable, for the TI85.  I need to
get that PC link, and if i can create one for myself for just $5, then i
would be more than happy, but I looked at that page with the schematics for
building that $5 link, and I was totally baffled.  I couldn't understand what
he was trying to explain.  He had some pictures drawn on the page, and that
part was logical, but as for the rest, he didn't supply enough detailed

So, that's why i'm asking for someone's help in this.
1st)  How do you attach the different parts of the 2.5mm plug to the printer
port or printer cable?
2nd) He had some pictures of a anode/cathode tube, and my question is, how
are you supposed to use that?
3rd)  I'm pretty sure he meant that you had to disect a 25pin serial printer
cable in order for you to attach the linker; so how much did that put into
the cost of building the cable?
4th)  How long and how hard was it to build the linker?

Well, any help here would be greatly appreciated... again...
I don't really want to dump $50 bucks down the drain and buy the official
link, and I'll try to build my own for as little as possible first, but.. oh
thanks anyhow... : )

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